Many exciting opportunities, and challenges, ahead for companies helping to reduce our dependence on industrialized animal agriculture
Animal meat is a habit that many young Americans are ready to abandon. A quarter of 25-to-34-year-old Americans now say they're vegans or vegetarians, prompting The Economist to proclaim 2019 “the year of the vegan.” Burger King recently introduced a Whopper made with a plant-based Impossible patty. We like meat to feel and taste a certain way, but why, for example, is gaminess a virtue? Future generations might only know chicken to be a pleasant, meat-esque paste, with no bones and skins to speak of. In fact, our entire notion of animal products might become unhinged from animals. The idea that human gustatory pleasure necessarily involves the inhumane farming of other creatures might come to be seen as outdated and gauche. A “real” chicken sandwich might be viewed as barbarous as poaching. That's assuming the bioreactor thing gets worked out.