Employees with the highest potential, or those who will “consistently generate exorbitant output levels that influence the success or failure of their organizations’’, tend to share a range of measurable qualities, which can be identified fairly early in the process. The key indicators that signal star potential are Ability, Social Skills, and Drive.
Ability - the first category concerns indications that an individual is able to do the job in question. The single-best predictor of job performance is a work sample test — where you observe the candidate actually performing the tasks that make up the job. Social skills - this category reflects the growing significance of teamwork and collaboration in modern organizations. At a basic level, employees have to be able to get along and earn the support of supervisors and coworkers. Drive - the third category concerns the will and motivation to work hard, achieve, and do whatever it takes to get the job done. It is easily identified as work ethic and ambition — an ability to remain dissatisfied with one’s achievements. This category is the accelerator that multiplies the potential influence of ability and social skills on future success.